Via Selectparks: Thuyen Nguyen's "An Unfair War," a short anti-war film made with The Sims 2, can be downloaded from An unusually mature example of machinima. You can also watch it via Youtube below, though I recommend downloading it instead. That YouTube logo in the corner is just so damn distracting.
See also: Nguyen's blog at
hey darius - yeah I have seen that but then the filmmakers pulled it from their site and it has yet to appear back on atomfilms. I was planning on featuring when it returns!
Posted by: ed | July 18, 2006 at 04:45 PM
Have you seen Deviation? It's another machinima--while it's not anti-war, it takes a position against the endless cycle of violence in most FPS games.
Posted by: Darius K. | July 18, 2006 at 04:32 PM